Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The two thousand year “Church Age”

In these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son. God has appointed him heir of all things and made the universe through him.”  Hebrews 1:2

The end of all things is at hand; therefore, be of sound thinking and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.”  I Peter 4:7

In my opinion, we are in the last days.  As Christians we are told to be watching and ready, prepared for the rapture, tribulation period, and millennial reign of the Lord (“Now as to the periods and times, brothers and sisters, you have no need of anything to be written to you.  For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord is coming just like a thief in the night.  While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" Then sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.  But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness, so that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then, let's not sleep as others do, but let's be alert and sober. ... For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” 1 Thess. 5;1-6,9).  But when did the “last days” actually begin?  

"And it will be in the last days, says God, that I will pour out my Spirit on all people; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.”  Acts 2:17

Peter quotes from the book of Joel while speaking to the crowds gathered in Jerusalem at Pentecost and connects the “last days” events prophesied by Joel as occurring at that moment, when the Spirit was poured out at Pentecost.  This marked the start of the Church, and the “church age” as it is known.  So technically, the “last days” have been in effect since the start of the church age nearly two-thousand years ago.  Is it laid out in the Bible just how long the “last days” period of the church age will last?  Let’s look at few verses that I believe hint at a two-thousand (2000) year period in which the church age lasts during the last days.

"He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, that we may live before Him.”  Hosea 6:2

This verse in Hosea is a prophetic verse that speaks about the deliverance and “raising up” of Israel as a nation. This occurs at the end of the seven-year tribulation period, and at the start of the Millennial Kingdom, the literal one-thousand-year earthly kingdom where Lord Jesus reigns as King over the entire earth from Jerusalem and the Jewish people are His people.  2 Peter 3:8 says “...With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.”  The verse from Hosea could therefore be understood to be saying that after two days (2000 years) which equates to the church age, the next (third day) one-thousand year period of the millennial kingdom will be the time when God restores Israel as a nation and they dwell in His presence once again as “God’s chosen people” among all those on the earth. 

“He said to them, "Go tell that fox, 'Look, I'm driving out demons and performing healings today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will complete my work.'”  Yet it is necessary that I travel today, tomorrow, and the next day, because it is not possible for a prophet to perish outside of Jerusalem.  "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her. How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!  See, your house is abandoned to you. I tell you, you will not see me until the time comes when you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord'! "  Luke 13:32-35

After Jesus is warned by the Pharisees that Herod Antipas wants to kill Him, Jesus tells them to report back and tell Herod He is driving out demons and performing healings for two days, and then  “on the third day I will complete my work”, or as some versions say “finish my task” or “accomplish my goal.”  This can be taken as a reference to the ministry that will be carried out in Jesus’ name for two-thousand years of the Church Age, with Jesus completing His task and accomplishing His goal during the following one-thousand year millennial kingdom rule “on the third day”.

… there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.”  Hebrews 4:9

We see this day equals a thousand year analogy in several places in the Bible. For instance, the one-thousand-year Millennial Kingdom is compared to the Sabbath Day itself as a type in Hebrews chapter four.  Additionally, the Jewish calendar system acknowledges that we are presently in the year 5784.  The Jewish calendar calculates the beginning from the creation of Adam and Eve, which equates to nearly 6000 years of human time on earth so far.  If we accept the 6000 years calculation, that would mean that the final 7000 year period would be the millennial kingdom 1000-year period.  Man’s total time on earth would be 7000 years, just like the six days of creation with a seventh day of rest known as the Sabbath day.  Likewise, the Bible refers to the millennial kingdom's final one-thousand year period as a day of Sabbath rest.  The preceding two-thousand year period would then be the “two days” of the church age.

After six days Jesus took Peter, James, and his brother John and led them up on a high mountain by themselves.  He was transfigured in front of them, and his face shone like the sun; his clothes became as white as the light.  Suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with him.”  Matthew 17:1-3

Another similar verse describes the transfiguration of Jesus at the top of a mountain, and the appearance of both Moses and Elijah with whom He discusses His soon to occur death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven.  It is interesting that the passage is introduced with the phrase “after six days”, which as we have seen, could be a reference to after six-thousand years.  The transfiguration passage points directly to the tribulation period, with Moses and Elijah acting as witnesses to the nation of Israel, as described in the eleventh chapter of the Book of Revelation.  The two witnesses, who I believe to be Moses and Elijah, attest to the truth of Jesus Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension to the Father’s right hand.  This of course happens after the two-thousand year church age, after six-thousand years of human history.

The length of the court shall be a hundred cubits, and the breadth fifty everywhere, and the height five cubits of fine twined linen, and their sockets of brass.”  Exodus 27:18

The Tabernacle that Moses was given specific plans to build from God Himself included very precise directions and materials to use.  It is clear from a study of the Tabernacle that it is a type of Christ and His redeeming work He would perform for all of mankind.  But it is also possible that the precise measurements of the Tabernacle (given in cubits) reveal information about the length of the church age.  The outer courtyard of the Tabernacle was surrounded by a partition which measured 100 cubits long by 50 cubits wide, and the partition was 5 cubits high.  If you add up the total area of the partition you end up with 1500 square cubits.   The Holy Place of the Tabernacle was 20 cubits long by 10 cubits wide by 10 cubits high. If you add up the total cubic area (cubic area since it is an enclosed volume of space) of the Holy Place you end up with 2000 cubic cubits.  The Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle was 10 cubits long by 10 cubits wide by 10 cubits high, a perfect cube.  If you add up the total cubic area (again cubic area since it is an enclosed volume of space) of the Holy of Holies you end up with 1000 cubic cubits.  

I know, math (ughhh!), but stay with me here…the Holy of Holies is the place where God dwells with man and a High Priest makes sacrificial atonement for sin.  This equates to the Millennial Kingdom period which lasts 1000 years (1000 cubic cubits) and the Lord as High Priest reigns from Jerusalem with the sacrificial system being reinstituted in the temple.  The courtyard of the Tabernacle was where the sacrificial system took place.  Priests received the Israelites sacrificial offerings throughout the year, performed the sacrifice, and offered up the burnt offering sacrifice on the bronze altar.  The courtyard also included the bronze laver where ceremonial washing occurred prior to entering into the Holy Place.  Bronze symbolizes judgment and sacrifice in the bible. This equates to the 1500 years (100 + 100 + 50 + 50 x 5 = 1500) of the period of the Law where the sacrificial system was in place.  Finally, the Holy Place was where Priests prepared to enter into the presence of God through a veil.  In the Holy Place was the golden altar of incense, the golden table of the showbread, and the golden lampstand (the Menorah).  The incense is symbolic of the prayer, both of God’s people and Christ’s continual intercession on our behalf.  The showbread is symbolic of Christ and Him being the bread of life.  The lampstand is symbolic of Christ as light of the world. Everything in the Holy Place was wood covered with gold, symbolizing Christ Himself as fully God and fully man at the same time. The Holy Place in general represents the church age and us Christians (as Priests) performing service centered around Christ as savior of all mankind.  We enter into the Holy of Holies (God’s Kingdom) through the veil which is Christ Himself (Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, through His flesh… Hebrews 10:19-20).  The 2000 cubic cubits measurement for the Holy Place would then equal 2000 years of the church age period.

"...When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God carried by the Levitical priests, you are to break camp and follow it.  But keep a distance of two thousand cubits between yourselves and the ark. Don't go near it, so that you can see the way to go, for you haven't traveled this way before.  Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, because the LORD will do wonders among you tomorrow."”  Joshua 3:3-5

Here we have another reference to two-thousand cubits, which again can be a symbol of 2000 years in meaning.  Joshua has instructed the people to fall in line behind the ark of the covenant when they see it pass by, as the Children of Israel cross over the Jordan River and pass over into the promised land to possess it as the Lord promised them they would.  The Children of Israel will enter into the Kingdom of God during the millennial kingdom here on earth, the ultimate promised land they will possess.  However, they are instructed to follow behind the ark of the covenant, a symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ, by two-thousand years.  The Church Age must occur prior to Israel obtaining the kingdom and calling Jesus “Lord”.

Jesus took up the question and said, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him, beat him up, and fled, leaving him half dead.”  Luke 10:30

Luke tells the parable of the Good Samaritan in his gospel account.  The parable is a good moral story illustrating the answer to the question “just who exactly is my neighbor?”  But, it is also prophetic concerning end times.  The Good Samaritan (half Jew and half Gentile) is a type of Jesus (half God and half man).  The man who is beaten by robbers is all of mankind.  We are going from Jerusalem (the high city) to Jericho (the lowest city) on our fall from grace in the garden of Eden.  The thief (Satan) robs the man and leaves him half-dead (we are dead in our trespasses of sin).  The Samaritan heals the man with oil and wine (symbolic in the Bible of the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s own sacrificial blood shed for us) and places the man on His own beast (of His own sacrificial action) and takes him to an inn.  It is noted in the story that a priest and Levite encountered the half-dead man but were unable or unwilling to help him.  The priest is symbolic of the Jewish system of atonement for sin by continual sacrifice of animals.  The Levite is symbolic of the Jewish Tabernacle and Temple system of laws and observances to keep in good-standing with God.  Both systems were unable or unwilling to help the man beaten by the thief and left half-dead, only Christ the Messiah was willing and able to help the man (us) and make us alive fully again.  Christ symbolized by the Good Samaritan takes the man to the inn and tells the innkeeper (symbolizing the Holy Spirit) to care for the man.  He gives the innkeeper two denarii, which is equal to two-days wages.  The two denarii represent two-days, or two-thousand years of the church age where the Holy Spirit cares for the man (the church) until the Good Samaritan returns.

“And ordering the crowds to sit down on the grass, He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looked up toward heaven. He blessed the food and breaking the loaves, He gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.”  Matthew 14:19

All four of the gospels include the story of Jesus feeding the five-thousand people using only five loaves of barley bread and two small fish.  This miracle recorded in the Bible is also I believe prophetic as well.  Barley in the Bible always is symbolic, a type, of Israel.  In Matthew 13 and John 21, Jesus uses “fish” to represent those who are gathered by the disciples into the kingdom of God, the “ecclesia” or the “church” in other words.  After the people are fed, the disciples gather the leftovers which fill twelve baskets.  The story can be understood I believe as foretelling that there will be five-thousand years (barley loaves) that deal with Israel, and two-thousand years that deal with the church (fish).  Note at the end of the meal there are no fish leftovers mentioned, only leftover broken pieces of barley loaves.  This relates to the church being absent from the leftovers, the tribulation period, but “twelve baskets” of barley loaf pieces will be leftover, referring I believe to the twelve Tribes of Israel who will be the focus of the tribulation period.  The two-thousand year church age will end just prior to the start of the tribulation period.


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Iran in Bible Prophecy

With the recent attacks on Israel by Iran, many are curious about how Iran fits into end times Bible prophecy…what does God have in store for Iran, what role will they play, and what should we as Bible-believing Christians be watching for? In Old Testament times, Iran was known as “Persia”. Persia is probably familiar to most Bible readers as one of the kingdoms under which the Israelites were held in captivity until being allowed to return to rebuild Jerusalem by Cyrus the Great, King of Persia. Also, the story of Esther takes place in Persia, within the capital city of Susa, in which the Medo-Persian King reigned.

Persia makes another appearance in the passage in Ezekiel 38, known as the prophecy of the Gog and Magog War.

"Son of man, face Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. Prophesy against him and say, 'This is what the Lord GOD says: Look, I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws, and bring you out with all your army, including horses and riders, who are all splendidly dressed, a huge assembly armed with large and small shields, all of them brandishing swords. Persia, Cush, and Put are with them, all of them with shields and helmets; Gomer with all its troops; and Beth-togarmah from the remotest parts of the north along with all its troops -- many peoples are with you.”  Ezekiel 38:2-6

Persia evidently will be part of the coalition that joins with Gog in attacking Israel in the end times. I understand this war to occur at some point most-likely after the rapture of the church, and prior to the start of the tribulation period, in that period of time between the two events. So, Persia (Iran) will continue to exist and be a military might up until the time of the Gog/Magog War prophesied in Ezekiel 38. However, we are then told what happens to Gog and all the other kingdoms which ally with him as part of the coalition against Israel:

"Now on that day, the day when Gog comes against the land of Israel -- this is the declaration of the Lord GOD -- ‘my wrath will flare up. I swear in my zeal and fiery wrath: On that day there will be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. The fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the animals of the field, every creature that crawls on the ground, and every human being on the face of the earth will tremble before me. The mountains will be demolished, the cliffs will collapse, and every wall will fall to the ground. I will call for a sword against him on all my mountains -- this is the declaration of the Lord GOD -- and every man's sword will be against his brother. I will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed. I will pour out torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and burning sulfur on him, as well as his troops and the many peoples who are with him. I will display my greatness and holiness, and I will reveal myself in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.'” Ezekiel 38:18-23

After the Ezekiel 38 Gog/Magog War, Persia (Iran) appears to no longer be a military threat to Israel. This is accomplished by God performing a very observable intercession on behalf of His people Israel…They will know that He is the Lord God.

There is one other prophecy from the Old Testament that needs to be considered also, one from Jeremiah. Jeremiah is pronouncing prophetic judgments against several countries and includes this one about Elam. Elam is an ancient middle eastern kingdom that is included in the far western portion of the modern country of Iran.

This is the word of the LORD that came to the prophet Jeremiah about Elam at the beginning of the reign of King Zedekiah of Judah. This is what the LORD of Armies says: I am about to shatter Elam's bow, the source of their might. I will bring the four winds against Elam from the four corners of the heavens, and I will scatter them to all these winds. There will not be a nation to which Elam's banished ones will not go. I will devastate Elam before their enemies, before those who intend to take their lives. I will bring disaster on them, my burning anger. This is the LORD's declaration. I will send the sword after them until I finish them off. I will set my throne in Elam, and I will destroy the king and officials from there. This is the LORD's declaration. Yet, in the last days, I will restore the fortunes of Elam. This is the LORD's declaration.”  Jeremiah 49:34-39

There are many different interpretations of this passage, and how it relates to Elam (Iran) either in part or total, and the timing of the prophecy. It is an interesting study though, and I believe it does hold a prophetic warning against Iran, or at least a specific region of Iran, in these last days. You can read more about this prophecy at Bill Salus’ website Prophecy Depot:   http://www.prophecydepotministries.net/2019/does-the-bible-predict-iranians-will-soon-flee-to-america/

It will be interesting to watch how Israel responds over the next few hours and days, and to see what consequences Iran faces for attacking Israel as it has. I know one thing…God has a plan for Israel, and He has made it clear that He will protect them. The Biblical promise that whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, and whoever curses them will be cursed is still in effect.

The LORD said to Abram: Go from your land, your relatives, and your father's house to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, I will bless you, I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, I will curse anyone who treats you with contempt, and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”  Genesis 12:1-3

Friday, March 29, 2024

Today you will be with me in Paradise

When they arrived at the place called The Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals, one on the right and one on the left. ... The people stood watching, and even the leaders were scoffing: "He saved others; let him save himself if this is God's Messiah, the Chosen One! " ... Then one of the criminals hanging there began to yell insults at him: "Aren't you the Messiah? Save yourself and us! " But the other answered, rebuking him: "Don't you even fear God, since you are undergoing the same punishment? We are punished justly, because we're getting back what we deserve for the things we did, but this man has done nothing wrong." Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." And he said to him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:33, 35, 39-43

On the day that Jesus was crucified, scriptures mention that there were two other criminals crucified with Him. While one joined in with the crowd in mocking Jesus, the other criminal did not. He challenged the man by telling him that they both deserved the punishment they were getting, but Jesus did not as He was innocent. He asked, “don’t you fear God?” The criminal then turned and asked for Jesus to remember him when He established His kingdom. An amazing request, as the criminal is acknowledging that Jesus is who He says He is. The man has faith that although this man next to him on a cross will die just as he will, that will not be the end of this man Jesus. He will establish His kingdom. Death will not be the end of Jesus this man is declaring, and he asks simply to be remembered. Jesus responds to him “today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Luke was the only one of the four Gospel writers to include this short conversation between Jesus and the criminal, but we can learn much from it. First we need to clarify a misconception that has been taught about this. It is taught that “Paradise” is what is referred to as Hades in the New Testament, or Sheol in the Old Testament. You will see and hear “Paradise” also being referred to as “Abraham's bosom” from the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16. This is not scripturally correct, it is another example of a “tradition of men” that has been passed on without being biblically accurate. Paradise is not the same place as Hades, Sheol, or Abraham’s Bosom. These places are a reference to the holding place for the souls of the deceased. While the body is in the ground, the soul went to Sheol/Hades until the resurrection in Old Testament times.

So, where is Paradise then? There are only three references in the Bible to “Paradise,” the one from our text above in Luke, Paul mentions Paradise in his second letter to the Corinthians, and John mentions Paradise in the book of Revelation when quoting Jesus in His letters to the seven churches. Let’s look at these two passages more closely to see just what “Paradise” actually refers to if it is not Sheol/Hades.

I know a man in Christ who was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago. Whether he was in the body or out of the body, I don't know; God knows. I know that this man -- whether in the body or out of the body I don't know; God knows -- was caught up into paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a human being is not allowed to speak.” 2 Cor. 12:2-4

Paul is speaking about himself in these verses, he was caught up to Paradise during his encounter with Jesus on the Damascus Road while on his way to persecute the church. In Acts chapter 9 we are given an account of what happened, and what Jesus said to Paul. But the point is Paul was “caught up” (neat word here by the way that in the Greek is Harpazo, and in the Latin is Rapturo, where we get the word rapture from) to Heaven where Jesus was, and where Jesus spoke to Paul. Paul was not caught up to Hades/Sheol. Paradise is not Hades/Sheol. Paradise is Heaven where God is.

"... To the one who conquers, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.” Rev 2:7

Here in Revelation, John is quoting Jesus who is dictating a letter to the seven churches. In this letter to the church at Ephesus, Jesus promises to those that overcome that they will eat of the tree of life, and then locates that tree as being in the “paradise of God.” Then, three times in chapter 22 of the book of Revelation, John writes that the tree of life is located in the New City Jerusalem where God is…Heaven in other words. Paradise is not Hades/Sheol. Paradise is Heaven where God is.

So, what do we do with this new information that Paradise is not Hades/Sheol, but instead Paradise refers to Heaven? The criminal on the cross was soon to die. He had faith in Jesus that He would not die, and that He would establish His kingdom just as He said He would. The thief asked to be remembered in that kingdom. Jesus said he would be with Him in Paradise, or in Heaven as we have established, “this very day.” And the Greek word that Jesus uses there means exactly that, today, this very day. Jesus did not tell the man on the cross next to him “you will be with me in Heaven some day in the future.” No, He said “this very day.” That is a game changer. This is new information. This is life-changing.

You see, in the past, Old Testament Saints were told they would “sleep in the dust” (meaning their bodies) and their souls would go to Sheol to await the final resurrection. We see this for example in Daniel 12:2 Many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to eternal life, and some to disgrace and eternal contempt. In the Psalms we see this about Sheol: “Like sheep they are headed for Sheol; Death will shepherd them. The upright will rule over them in the morning, and their form will waste away in Sheol, far from their lofty abode. But God will redeem me from the power of Sheol, for he will take me.” Psalm 49:14-15. The prophet Daniel was even told he would not ‘receive his inheritance” until the end of the days (after the tribulation period referring to the Millennial Kingdom reign of Christ) "But as for you, go on your way to the end; you will rest, and then you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance at the end of the days." Daniel 12:13. Their body returns to the earth from where it was formed where it “sleeps”, and the soul (your consciousness, the thing that makes you “you”) goes to Sheol/Hades to wait for resurrection.

The criminal on the cross however is not told that he will go to Sheol, or that he will have to wait for Jesus’ Kingdom to arrive at some point in the far future at the “end of days.” He is told “today you will be with me” in Heaven, this very day. This is the New Covenant, the one symbolized by the Lord’s Supper which had just occurred the night previous to the crucifixion. Paul discusses the new covenant in his letter to the Corinthians: “For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: On the night when he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, broke it, and said, "This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me." In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, and said, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me." For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.” 1 Cor. 11:23-26. The criminal on the cross had faith and believed in Jesus as the Lord, and he was told he would be with Jesus in his kingdom that very day. And, that is exactly what happened, providing a promise for other Christ followers that when we die, we will be immediately with Jesus too.

Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord-- ... but we are of good courage and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.” 2 Cor. 5:6,8