Monday, January 27, 2014

Separated and Reunited

Genesis relates the creation story, and the introduction of the first man – Adam.  Created from the dust of the ground, in the image of God, Adam is then placed into the garden Eden.  God causes Adam to fall into a deep sleep, and then removes Adam’s side.  From Adam’s side, he creates Eve, the first woman.  Adam calls Eve “flesh of my flesh, and bone of my bones.”  Scripture then declares that for this reason, man will leave his father and mother, and the two will become one flesh.  One is separated from another, and then reunited.  Gen. 2:21-24

Later in Genesis we are introduced to Abraham.   God tells him to leave his home and go to another land.  As Abraham is traveling through the land around Jerusalem, God tells him that he will give this land to his descendants as an everlasting possession.  About four hundred years later, Moses and the Children of Israel leave Egypt and wander in the wilderness for forty years.  They are then allowed to enter into the “promised land” to possess it.  Over the next several hundreds of years, the Jews are removed from the land by the Babylonians and then the Assyrians, and then allowed to return again to the land and Jerusalem.  After the destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem in 70 a.d., the Jews are slowly removed from the land and eventually cease to exist as a nation.  After the Second World War, the nation of Israel is created in 1948, and is once again the land of the Israelites.  One is separated from another, and then at a later time is reunited.  Gen. 12:7

Both Joseph and Moses were separated from their families and lived in Egypt among the royal household of the Pharaoh.   Later, both men are reunited with their families and their people, the Israelites.  God used the separation of these men from their families to preserve the nation of Israel.  Through Joseph, he provided a way to move the Israelites into Egypt to preserve them through the famine in the land.  Through Moses, God provided a way out of the land of Egypt to which they had now became slaves.  One is separated from another, and then at a later time is reunited.  Ex. 13:19

God chose Abraham and set him apart from the rest of mankind.  He told Abraham “I will be your God and you will be my people.”  When the Jewish nation (olive branch) rejected their Messiah, Jesus, Gentiles were included in God’s Kingdom.  Paul says we were grafted into the root of the cultivated olive tree (Kingdom of God) as a “wild olive branch.”  However, the original olive branch will one day be grafted  back in to the root.  One is separated from another, and then at a later time is reunited.  Rom. 11:17-24

Mankind was separated from God by sin.  Adam and Eve walked with God daily in the Garden of Eden.  Sin entered into Paradise and with it, death and separation.  However, God provided a way for us to return to Him through his son, Jesus Christ.  Those who accept Jesus’ redemptive sacrifice on the cross are reconciled to God, and become the “Bride of Christ”.  In the near future, the Lord will return to earth in the same way in which he left, and will call us, His Bride, to join Him.  We will be reunited once again.  One is separated from another, and then at a later time is reunited.  Rev. 21