Below are 2 links to a couple of classes I did through Harbor University, the teaching ministry of Harbor Church. The class was titled "End Times Prophecy", and the goal was to provide those involved with a basic understanding of the major prophecies of the Bible related to the End Times.
In the first session, we briefly discuss the reason for studying end times prophecy, the terms related, the book of Daniel's 70 week prophecy and visions of the future kingdoms, the Book of Revelation, and the Olivet Prophecy.
In the second session, we look at the Feasts of the Lord and their prophetic fulfillment, the Book of Ruth, the prophesied wars which occur in end times, and then wrap it the study by putting together of kind of future road-map with signposts we identified throughout our study which mark the nearing of the end of time.
Thank you, and I hope you enjoy these sessions...